A downloadable mod

Frog 2, baby!

There's also a "Frog 2 skin pack", which features Blaac's Frog skins from his skin pack. Note that you will have to download/install Blaac's skin pack here in order to unlock the skins on Frog 2, as I did not want to rob his work from him.

Also, the revolver in the loadout is switched to the Golden Frog Pistol upon entering the desert, as to avoid conflicts with Frog 1. This has no effect on gameplay.


  • Frog's toxic immunity applies to all players in co-op.
  • Frog's ability has a cap on how much toxic gas it can generate, in order to reduce lag when holding it down for a while
  • Frog's ability spreads toxic gas in a cone in your crosshair's direction rather than all around him, for more focused attacking.
  • Throne Butt increases the width of the toxic cone.
  • Ultra B (Distance) has been buffed:
    • Small rads will always spawn 1 toxic gas (previously 1/3 chance).
    • Big rads will spawn 10 toxic gas (previously 4).
  • Ultra A (Intimacy) has been reworked:
    • Now called Time.
    • Time allows Frog to passively generate toxic gas for his active at 1/3 the rate, the toxic gas can then be released on use of his active.
    • Since Time's passive generation is separate from the active generation, charging gas using the active will be even faster than before, although charging with the active  is no longer necessary to release a large gas cloud.


frog2.race.gml 10 kB
frog2skins.zip 248 kB

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